Day 126: Tuesday 21 August

Ian sands his footrest (again)

It was the turn of DA and myself to assume the roles of Two Last Men Standing. The varnish had arrived, sitting coyly, and initially unnoticed, on the bench, so I set to varnish the underside of the floorboards and the footrests. When I started off by sanding a few blemishes, DA reminded me that you don’t waste time on things you can’t see. I’ll learn. DA hunted for some suitable wood, before settling on a length of oak originally set aside for the sclates, the protective plates where the oars rub the gunwales. He cut them to size. We also talked about where to put the bilge drain, and got as far a drilling a practice hole in some old 9 mm ply. With a touch of filing, the brass drain fitted fine. Gulp! The next time, it’s for real. Today, I’ll re-varnish the floorboards and the other sides of the footrests.

We are on for launching on Saturday the 1st of August. We are still working on the details, but it will be at 2 pm, with appropriate festivities. Not what I’m famous for, but I’m sure I’ll rise to the occasion. That gives us nine days. Another gulp.

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